
Showing posts with label high heels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high heels. Show all posts

Friday 14 October 2016

My High Heel Affair

There is always that one thing you like the most as a kid and your mom says “no” for it. When I was a kid, I was very attracted to wearing high heels. I would always end up scrolling the heels section at the shoe shop. God knows, how many times my mom must have dragged me off there.

When I was 9 years old, I remember going on a trip to Chennai to attend a family friend’s wedding. That was my first flight experience. I was on cloud nine to seat in an Airplane. I had spread the news to all my friends a couple of weeks ago. It was super exciting. Bunk school for a week plus the air travel. It felt like I had won a jackpot.  I can never forget, that the first flight decided my career. After seeing the Air hostess walking in heels I knew what I wanted to do in life, which will let me wear high heels forever. After we were back, one day I decided tell my mom about my decision. I went to her and said, I will become an Air hostess when I grow up and you can never stop me from wearing heels”.

The Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training was a big boom during the early 2000’s. Those full page newspaper ads kept me high spirited.   Later, I started convincing mom that I need to buy heels and practice walking. I even managed to buy one after a lot of buttering. How I wish I has clicked a picture of my First heels. Once I had them I began to practice the right walk. Slowly, the craze for heels faded. I can’t remember what took over but I stopped thinking about it completely. 

As I grew up, my liking's changed and so did my decision
about my career. I never thought I would end up as a Content Writer. I am happy I realized what I wanted to do quite early. I am not very patient who could have handled the passengers well if I went with my Air hostess dream. And to talk about wearing heels all the time, it would be so painful. I love and enjoy working as a creative person. But today, my high heel affair is over! I don’t have a single heel. That childhood attraction has disappeared somewhere.

We all have such stories from our childhood. A few things we still continue to do and some just fade away with time. Even today, when I am traveling and see an Air hostess, I remember when I was a kid my first career choice was made on the basis of wearing heels. Now, I find it so funny to go back and think about how crazy I was for that one thing. 

Do share in the comment section about what you aspired to be as a Kid.

Linking this post with Write Tribe prompt of the week FridayReflections